My Thoughts

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson

My passion is helping people. Throughout my life, I have also enjoyed building creative solutions to problems or starting random projects for fun. In the classroom, my favorite and best subjects have always been mathematics and physics. As a third grader, I had already set my mind on becoming an inventor. As I got older, I realized that an inventor is actually just another name for an engineer and that's where I am today, honing skills that will allow me to create technology that can better lives on a potentially huge scale.

Driving Ideologies

How I see and approach life and the world.

First Principles Thinking

Understanding the foundations on top of which assumptions are made is important for approaching anything in life. Without direction, our actions could even be harmful rather than helpful. Think before acting.

Stoicism & Openness

We are in control of our destiny. Our lives are filled with decisions that we can either make thoughtfully, or go along with, without ownership of it. Bad things happen. Own how we respond to and grow from them.

Humility & Awareness

Sonder. Everyone is living a complex life with their own set of challenges and goals. Respect that. Assume better of people even when we don't believe they deserve it.